All About Edinburgh
Tollcross Edinburgh
The area of Tollcross has many streets from Lothian Road the main thoroughfare continues by Earl Grey Street,
Home street and Leven Street towards Bruntsfield and the South. to the east is Lauriston Place, with a number of small street branching off. To the south east is brougham street and brougham place continuing south on Melville drive.

Lauriston Place
Tollcross Edinburgh
Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
The first Edinburgh Infirmary was established on 6 August 1729
The Infirmary was granted a Royal Charter from George II in 1736 which gave it, its name of the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh.
The building a short distance away was then taken as the new Royal Infirmary the gates still in Drummond Street.
The Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh moved again to the site of old George Watson’s (Hospital) School opposite George Heriots in Lauriston Place 1870. George Watson’s moved to Archibald Place where the previously the Merchant Maiden (Hospital) school had been, they vacated in 1870 to move to Queen Street. George Watson's Boys College remained at Archibald Place from 1870 to 1932, before moving to Colinton Road where they remain. The Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh moved to a new purpose built Hospital at Little France in 2003.

Formally Lauriston Church
​Tollcross Edinburgh
Lauriston United Presbyterian Church is Gothic style building from circa 1860. The church is now in the hands of The Muslim Welfare House which is a charitable organization for serving the needs of overseas students in Britain.

Old Fire Station
Tollcross Edinburgh
The Central Fire Station opened in 1900 and served Edinburgh for circa 100 years before becoming a museum, but now it has been closed due to funding.
Inscription reads;
Central Fire Brigade Station
Opened By the Right Honourable Sir Mitchell Thomson Bart
Lord Provost 7th June 1900

James Braidwood
Aye Ready
plaque reads;
In memory of James Braidwood, first master of fire engines in Edinburgh and founder of the British fire service. Born in Edinburgh in 1800, who died whilst fighting a fire in Tooley Street London in 1861.

Ultimate Sacrifice
Aye Mindit
plaque reads;
In recognition of all the firefighters in the world who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the service of others.
This plaque was unveiled by councillor K Harrold, convener of the Lothian and Borders Fire Board,
on the 11 September 2002, the first anniversary of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Centre in New York
where 343 firefighters gave their lives

Old Fire Engine
A fire engine from the past stands outside the museum in Lauriston Place that could have been used in the great fire in the High Street in the 1814

Heriots (Hospital) School
Tollcross Edinburgh
Heriot’s Gates in Lauriston Place Edinburgh was originally the back entrance to the School with the Front facing Edinburgh Castle
The present front Gates of Heriot’s Hospital (School).
The wealthy of Edinburgh would leave provision in their wills to have a Hospital Built, in 1650 George Heriot bequeathed a sum of money for a hospital to be built for the poor fatherless children of Edinburgh.
George Heriot was the first others that followed were, George Watson who built a Hospital directly across from Heriot’s 1741.
William Fettes had a (Hospital) school built on his land at Comely Bank in 1870, The Merchant Maiden Hospital
(Mary Erskine’s) started in the cowgate in 1659, John Watson built a hospital at Ravelston 1762.
Hospital was the name for a boarding School where poor children were educated in all social skills and academic learning.

Telfer Wall
The Telfer Wall at Lauriston Place Edinburgh
The Telfer wall was built around Heriot’s (Hospital) School for its protection against invaders as it stood outside Edinburgh City Wall (Flodden Wall). The wall was built as an extension to the Flodden Wall specifically to protect Heriots Hospital.
Link Edinburgh City Wall

Cameo Picture House
Tollcross Edinburgh
The Cameo picture house opened in 1914 as the Kings Cinema The picture house was the first in Scotland to have a mirrored screen. With over 600 seats and an orchestral as there were only silent movies until 1930 the picture house was fitted with sound. By 1949 the picture house was requiring modernising and after refurbishment it change its name to what it is today The Cameo. In 1985 it became a multiplex with 3 screens and the main screen was restored to its original decor.

Kings Theatre
Tollcross Edinburgh
The King's Theatre Edinburgh opened on the 8th December 1906
known as “The Grand Old Lady of Leven Street”
Andrew Carnegie then one of the wealthiest men in the world (born in Dunfermline Fife living in America) laid the foundation stone which can still be seen today.
Harry Lauder a Portobello entertainer and to become the highest paid performer in his time performed on stage at the Kings Theatre on many occasions and a memorial plaque to him is in the theatre.
Another name that worked here as a young man, was a local lad Sean Connery who went on to become known around the world as James Bond and the rest is history. Sadly he died at the age of 90 in 2020.
The King's Theatre is a place in Edinburgh for the Pantomime at Christmas and many productions throughout the year.

Barclay Church
​Tollcross Edinburgh
In 1858 a Miss Mary Barclay of 7 Carlton Terrace died, leaving over £10,000 for the erection of a Free Church. The Church was built circa 1863 and named after Miss Barclay and the streets around the church also took their names from Miss Barclay. The first service took place in the new Barclay Church in December of 1864. The First minister of the new Barclay Church was James Hood Wilson who remained until his death in 1906. In the church there is a bible in a glass case and its history is; The Bible is known as the ‘Vinegar Bible’ because of the misprint referring to the Parable of the Vineyard as the Parable of the Vinegar. The Church spire can be seen from a great distance as it is 230 foot high.